Village Board 10/24/23

Show Details

10/24/2023 3:40:32 PM


4. Reconvene into Open Session 00:00:00

5. Public Announcements, Communications, & Proclamations 00:00:24

6. Consent Agenda 00:01:35

7. Public Appearances 00:02:03

8a. Presentation by the McFarland Youth Center regarding prior year's operations 00:02:16

8b. Discussion and review of the 2024 Budget including the following sections 00:39:40

8b1. Changes since the last distribution 00:39:45

8b2. Youth Center Fund (210) 00:41:05

8b3. Retiree Fund (700) 00:43:51

8c1. Discussion and action regarding the job description and classification to create the Full-Time Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Strategist position within the Village and authorizing Staff to fill the vacancy 00:47:15

8c2. Discussion and action on a proposed amendment to Chapter 28 of the Personnel Policy Manual regarding meals 00:59:15

8c 00:59:34

8d. Discussion and action on approval of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for owner's representation services for the McFarland Municipal Center Campus project 01:01:39

8e. Discussion and possible action to authorize litigation relating to Hanover Insurance Co. Builder's Risk Policy Claim at the Public Safety Center 01:05:57

9. Schedule Next Meeting Date 01:06:45

10. Adjournment 01:08:32

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